NEXT Chicago 2009

Ray Beldner, Walter Robinson
NEXT Chicago 2009

May 1-4, 2009


Charlie James Gallery is pleased to present a two-man show for the NEXT invitational art show in Chicago at end April.

The artists proposed are two very strong mid-career artists from California – Ray Beldner and Walter Robinson. The works shows will be content-rich and political. Beldner’s “Counterfeit” work – which reinterprets 20th century art classics using sewn US currency will comment nicely on art’s fickle relationship to commerce in these troubled times. Walter Robinson’s Transport sculptures unite Rothko’s classic forms with iconic American car emblems form another incisive critique into where art is today. These pieces conflate two things once antithetical – Rothko’s classic abstract forms with some of the most recognizable emblems of 20th century American consumer culture – with results that invite play and subvert expectations all at once.

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