Patrick Martinez's "Promised Land" Acquired by Buffalo AKG Art Museum

Patrick Martinez, Promised Land, Acrylic, stucco, neon, mean streak, ceramic, spray paint, latex house paint, banner tarp, ceramic tile, tile adhesive, family archive photo collage, on panel, 84 x 192 x 7 inches, 2022

Congratulations to Patrick Martinez on the acquisition of Promised Land by the Buffalo AKG Art Museum (formerly the Albright-Knox Art Gallery).

Special thanks to Andrea Alvarez, Cathleen Chaffee, Mary Kwandras and the entire team at Buffalo AKG Art Museum for their support of Patrick and his work.

Promised Land was the centerpiece of Patrick's recent solo exhibition at Charlie James Gallery of the same name. Promised Land is among Patrick’s most mature and ambitious paintings to date. The piece reveals a glint of LA’s luster and allure suffused with suggestions of wear and attrition. Undertaken as the city came out of Covid restrictions in early 2022, Promised Land can be seen as a portrait of a city diminished but still aglow.


Patrick Martinez in “Long Story Short” at MOCA Los Angeles Opening January 15 ⟶


Patrick Martinez Installation at Art Basel Miami Beach Featured in The Cut ⟶